Mandy Ansell

Deputy Chair
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Mandy Ansell – BSc(Hons) Physiotherapy, Master’s in Health Management (MHM)

After training at the Royal London Hospital Whitechapel, Mandy worked as a physiotherapist in Bristol and East London. She led physiotherapy services in Lewisham and Tottenham before moving into hospital management at the North Middlesex Hospital in North London. During this time Mandy gained a Master’s degree from City, University of London. With the inception of Primary Care Trusts (PCTs), Mandy was appointed as Deputy Director of Commissioning at the newly formed Haringey PCT leading GP commissioning for the East of the Borough. In 2007 Mandy was appointed as Deputy Director of Commissioning at South West Essex PCT where she delivered the separation of the provider services from the commissioning function in the PCT. As part of the PCT Team that developed the transition to Clinical Commissioning Groups, Mandy was subsequently appointed as Chief Operating Officer and soon after, Accountable Officer for Thurrock CCG. Mandy retired in May 2020 and currently works as an independent HR investigator across a number of organisations.

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